Tuesday, October 08, 2013

10 things people asked about my bump...

friends, family and people around me has been asking me so many question about my pretty bump and i thought it would be nice to write them down and laugh about them when i reminisce about being pregnant with my first baby... =)


1. is it a boy or girl? 

this is the #1 question usually people will ask.. and with a smile i will say... its a girl! :)

2. when is the EDD? 

the second favourite question usually people like to ask. 14 November 2013..
with just 37 days to go (or maybe lesser, see #7 below).. i am really getting anxious. =(

3. have you all thought of a name yet?

i dread this question the most cus we have not come up with a name we both like. its not like we have not thought about it yet. 
just to let you know, when we wake up early on weekends, the first thing was to reach for the dictionary beside the bed and start flipping and sometimes we stay up discussing possible names that we did not realise it already 2am on a weekday night.... her name is one of the things that keeps us up at night and the last thing we have on our mind when we fall asleep.. 
so kindly dont say things like, why dont you think of a name earlier? o.O
anyway if you really have to know, i really like the name danielle yeo zhi xuan (智萱). but the hubs was concern that the 萱 do not have much meaning which i agree. but i feel 智 goes with 萱 the best... so we are in a fix, still. 

4. is she moving a lot?

YES! i have also notice that her movements varies in different trimester. 
i started to feel her move about at 17-18th weeks but i did not know what it was.. it was ticklish and i tot was my organs since she is growing bigger. then at the 20th week scan, i felt the same ticklish thingy. the sonographer pointed to her screen and say, look, that is her moving, can you feel it? 
ohhhh...... okie... so thats her and not my intestines... hahahaha... anyway those movements are what they call the "butterfly kicks".. it really feels like fluttering of a butterfly wings. :)
then starting around the 20th week.. i started to feel her kicks.. real kicks like kungfu kicks. sometimes so violent, my belly has bumps coming out.. from then, i cut back on my sugar and, not sure if thats the reason, she wasnt so violent. 
though i have started playing music for her much earlier but its only around the 22nd week, she got more "responsive" to them. maybe she was getting bigger so i could feel her better or something.. she response more to instrumental pieces most of the time. but there was once the dodo was playing some canto pop and she started to get like really excited inside. hahaha.. not sure if she likes or hates it but the dodo insist that she likes it just like her dad..
around the 25th week, i also found out that if i put pressure on top of my tummy she will move a lot! as if to have more space.. hahahaha.. 
slowly, those kungfu kicks got lesser and those long and stretching movements got more frequent. nowadays, when she moves, my belly moves with her... 
recently, she has also started to kick her legs upwards (she has turned down), causing me to have sudden intense feeling to empty my stomach contents.. =S

5. do you have any food cravings?

YES! and mostly of the things her dad likes to eat. =)
to add to the list, i found out the reason why i cant seem not to choose honeydew/rock melon every time when i buy fruits for my tea break! cus her daddy likes them too! lol..

6. are you going for a natural birth or c-sect?

people who asked this are usually the young mummies... :)
i am hoping that everything will go well for me & baby, to have a natural birth :) so keep us in your prayers okie? 

7. is she heavy?

she measured about 2.8kg last saturday during the check up and with still five weeks to go, dr lee changed his mind about minibean being a small baby... 
previous check, he was still confidently telling me, dont worry, your baby is not a big baby.. with your size, two sneeze will come out.. 
last week, i hope your baby can come out around the 38 week, otherwise it would be difficult for you... o.O
dont worry i am still eating.. i will feel like fainting if i have no food. i just eat in smaller potions, just in case she feels like helping me to empty my stomach.. 

8. do people give up their seats to you on the trains?

fortunately, nowadays yes. =)
honestly, the time i need a seat the most was in the first trimester when i was feeling sick and pukey all the time. but i think i was not showing yet so people may think that i am just fat.. =( 
i will enjoy the seats while i can but really there is more to pregnancy than just seats on the trains.

9. how fast can you walk?

this is a funny question ask by mm last night. actually i also dunno... the speed of my walking depends on my braxton hicks and position of baby.. 
if braxton hicks is acting up.. i think you can say i crawl. but to avoid BA from acting up, i also crawl at a slightly faster pace, just in case... lol
and nowadays, she have this certain position which her head seems to be on my something which making walking quite uncomfortable and a bit painful. so i also crawl at a even slower pace.. 
in comparison, i think my granny with her walking aid moves faster than me... 

10. can i touch?

yes, of course! 
  • the above does not apply to strangers age above 12. (just because you are on my fb does not make you not a stranger)
  • please make sure your hands are clean. my mummy will scold me if my clothes gets dirty.
  • please preempt me and dont suddenly just stick your hands out okie... thats rude and scary. 
  • unless we are blood related and i see you more than 5 times a year or below 12 or unless i know you from my lucy years. please refrain from putting your ears to the tummy... tyvm.. 
  • if not sure, please check first..  =P


some questions i dont really like: 

are you sure you should be doing this? / can you really eat that?

YES! i am sure! 

i know my body the best and i know what it can take and what it cant. i also believe to eat everything in moderation and not to touch raw food and ensure that the food is clean to my best knowledge.. thats the believe of my gynae too! 

we have also checked with the gynae before we travelled overseas. so those who were worried about me/baby, thank you very much. =) and as you all can see, she is still in my belly...

have you got insurance?

it isnt that that bad if it is not the very first question you have for me the first time you see me pregnant and you are an insurance agent. i already feel like a cow.. i do not need to feel like your cash cow.. tyvm.

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