Wednesday, April 29, 2015

on my way home now after the shichida parent education class. glad that i was able to make it in the end cus it gave me an answer to the thing I had in my mind for days.

so this was what happened.. on sunday i tore a light stick out of her hand to force her to share it with her cousins. at that moment, i was just so upset that my kid is selfish and cant seems to make her share no matter how i tried to make her.

it wasn't till when i was lying in bed going to sleep i saw my actions. what i did was horrible and i felt bad. i felt that yes i have to teach my selfish kid to share but i do not think my action showed her how. i was bullying her to make her share.

action speaks louder than words.

but before i go on, i must say that i do not see snatching and not sharing the same problem. snatching is plain rude. yah, she snatched things she wants which we have since taught her to say please if she wants something though it is still a work in progress but i am not talking about that today. 

the past few days i have been reading articles online to find ways to deal with a selfish child and how to make them share - 11 Ways to Teach Your Child to Share.

after reading, it pretty sums up that the little girl is at that phrase when she starts to understand possession and developing a strong sense of self. she is at the phrase when "selfish" steps in. and they only can learn what sharing really is when they are about six (today, at shichida, their research found that kids before six are just mirroring what they see). now, they will share because they are taught to do so. the more i read i more worse i felt.

she cannot help it that she does not want to share - her brain has not develop the sharing part yet. and me, the adult whom she should be trusting the most, instead of understanding her and helping her, I SNATCH A TOY FROM HER! man, what i have i done.. #welldonemama

i did not showed her how to share, instead, i showed she how to snatch. #badmama

today at the shichida method, we were taught that children before six learn through mirror/reflecting others. and they encourage parents to use love to teach the children.

thinking about it now, the things she does not share are things she really like. she does "share" sour strawberries and biscuits which she had ate a few times before. hahaha. so maybe she is not that hopeless in sharing. today i am encouraged to continue to slowly grow my rosanne-plant. i am going to try their method to help rosanne and hopefully it works. =)

anyway this is a photo of her this morning to make this otherwise only-words-post more interesting.. lol.

thats her taking a long long long time to put the four coins into her piggy bank. 

cant believe she actually said 'bear' when i asked her if she wants anything from her bed.
she is learning heaps and bounds nowadays!
my baby, can you stop growing already.. ^.^

Monday, April 27, 2015

tee hee hee.. this is my "baby" #b4ileavethehousetoday
i think she is having growth spurt? 
cus usually she does not wake up so early wanting milk. 
or maybe she dream about milk and woke up signing for milk. lol.

on the side note, thats the snoopy onesie i got when i was still in the first trimester with her.
once i saw it, i knew i have to get it for her, not lucy, not sally, not charlie brown but snoopy - my long time love since ever.
even only having 18-24 months old size did not stop me from buying it for her though it means she i have to wait a long long long time before she can wear it.. lol.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

maybe i should be starting a hashtag #rosannesleepystories.. lol
she always does funny/sweet/silly stuff at bed time.

recently she learnt to tuck herself in in our bed.
she will lie on the hub's side of bed and pull the covers up. her hands will be out giving the duvet a few pats before settling down..

sometimes she thinks my side is nicer and would roll over me and take my spot..
and sometimes, she will make me pat her butt. she will pretend to snore as long as i am patting her. lol.

few nights ago, she roll right up beside me. i thought she wanted to take my spot again but when I looked at her, she has already settled herself comfortably on the other half of my pillow and was smiling at me.. :)

the best part she fell asleep sharing a pillow with me :)))

Wednesday, April 08, 2015

I think my girl ran out of things to entertain me la..

last night she stick her finger into her mouth and smear that fat drool dripping finger on my thighs.. then she pointed at it and 'Eeee' at it.. -_-"

she kept doing this until I 'Eeee!' at it too and then it seems like I have said the magic word and she cover her mouth and start to giggle..

after an hour rolling on the bed, she finally felt tired enough to go to bed.

she took my hand to pat her butt. she rolled away with her back facing me and started to snore... and when i stop patting she takes my hand and pat her butt...

Monday, April 06, 2015

water babies!

this have to be my favourite!

the hubs would love this.. ;)
