Friday, November 29, 2013

OMG! its friday already??
time really flies and my baby is 14 days old already!


anyway, i realised that mummies are worry tarts - they worry ALL THE TIME.

when baby sleeping soundly, she wonders if baby has enough milk and should she wake the baby up for her feed. *paused and checked if baby is still breathing or have fainted from hunger.

when the baby does not sleep, she panics why baby isnt sleeping. is baby having enough sleep? is that eye bags coming out? did she get skinnier?

when baby drinks lesser milk than usual, she frets and thinks of ways to make the baby finish up her milk.

when baby seems to want more milk even she was just fed an hour ago, she worries about over feeding the baby. she consults her best friend to check how much milk should a 3.7kg baby drink. wait, is baby still 3.7kg only?

when baby poops, she analyse the poop and records them down. any changes in colour and texture, she would again consult her best friend IMMEDIATELY if the poop is "normal".

when baby dont poop after/while having her meal (as she usually does. FYI, she is quite talented at sleeping, drinking and pooping all at the same time. so proud of her), she anxiously wait for her next poop.

she frequently checks her for dry skin (a symptom of dehydration) and every little funny noise she makes when she sleeps will send mummy running to her bedside.

sigh. when will mummies be "normal" again?


i like the top left photo the best. 
thats why its the largest! hahahaha.. 
okok, i know i am getting a little obsessed but she is growing up too fast!

Friday, November 22, 2013


the hubs was giving the little girl her 230am diaper change.. btw, this little girl ALWAYS does her first/last big business at around 2-3am.. o.O

since she was in a good mood, he slowly changed her. when he was putting on her diaper, we realised that her umbilical cord was missing!

we searched through her soiled diapers but we could not find it! 

after a frantic find and we resigned to the fact that its lost.

the hubs then continued to burp her and found something hard in her clothes.. lol.. 

the missing umbilical cord.

barely a week and i am already missing her newborn stage! especially her smell. how i wish that is some kind of scratch and smell sticker or something to preserve the sweet smell she had. she is growing up too fast for me!! :(

Thursday, November 21, 2013

rosanne's first visit to the doctor.

we took the little girl for her first check up with dr rhonda watts today. she seems to be doing fine except for her jaundice level went up a little (still in the "acceptable" level though) and she still not back to her birth weight. she left the hospital at 3.5kg and was only 3.6kg when dr rhonda weigh her today. =(

the little girl is always falling asleep half way through her feed and refused to be awake no matter what we do. dr rhonda suggested burping her to wake her up but we did and it did not work, AT ALL... hence, dr rhonda asked us to try syringe feed her if every thing else dont work.

so we got some syringe and a can of formula for just in case before we left the hospital. hopefully she will gain some weight soon. i miss her chubby cheeks. =(

anyway, the little girl did not even flinch a bit when they took the blood test for her jaundice. =)

my little 乖寶寶.


i also have check up with dr lee today. he checked my wound and commented that i am recovering well. =)
he also removed the stitches and i got scare. 

"WAIT! pain anot!?"
"you want epidural?"

okie, fine. -_-"

us with dr lee. =)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

rosanne with her frog prince at 5 days old.

Monday, November 18, 2013

as the clock is fast approaching 11, i am anxious to know how our second night at home with rosanne would be like..

would she still be fast asleep like a burrito? 

or a little terror would appear like last night?

1040 - the little burrito has started stirring...

last night at 11pm, like clockwork, she opened her eyes and made sure we don't close ours till 6.. -_-"

1043 - there are weird noises coming from the little burrito...

every half hour she wants to be fed and after suckling for 5-10mins, she falls asleep and would not be aroused. then she wakes up 30-45 mins later wanting to be fed again... O.O

1048 - the little burrito is frowning..

i did tell the hubs before when she was still in my tummy that she gives daily live performance at 11pm everyday.. at 11, she will start to have a lot of movements - kicks, punches, swimming, etc.. so apparently, even out of my tummy, she is still giving live performance to earn her milk money..

1052 - the little burrito stirs again and her swaddle is becoming loose...

today in the day, we tried our best to keep her awake. but this little girl just wants to sleep. the more noise/sound we make, the sounder she sleeps. sounds familiar? =P

anyway, we tried our best already. hopefully she can sleep for longer periods tonight.

2300 - she is still sleeping!


2311 - she is awake!! #anothersleeplessnight

Sunday, November 17, 2013

who knew hospital food can be so yummy!


breakfast - fish porridge.
i hate porridge! but this is the nicest fish porridge i ever had.

looks very bland but its really tasty. 
no fishy smell at all!

lunch. the black chicken soup is the yummiest. 
got 阿嬤的味道. =)

dinner was fish + vegetable + soup. too yummy that i forgot to take a photo of it..




last dinner. 
the soup is ba kut teh. 
its so nice that me + the hubs were scheming how to get more of that. lol. 

should have told de lee that i want to stay one more day so that i can get to eat more yummy food. hehehe.
anyway i am still glad to be home and in the comfort of my own bed.

before heading home, we took little rosanne (yes, we have decided to name her that. chinese name is still wip) to see her great-grandma.

yes..  i am so in love with her... =)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

this took me almost a week to complete so read it s-l-o-w-l-y okie? i doubt there will be another long post in the near future... say 18 years? =P


it's 0420 and where is my baby? they said they will wheel her to me every 3hrs for feeding and the last time was 1230! =P

okie... i am just whining cus i can't wait to see her again! hehehe...

and it's just 12hrs and 1min since a became a proud mama of a 3.735kg baby girl! :)


recalling my past 28 hours... 

so we reached the hospital's delivery ward last night and i remembered taking a minute to walk the last walk, as just a daughter, a sister and a wife, reaching the delivery suite #7 at 0018. okie fine, the last walk was to the toilet to shit my ass out.. but that's so not glamorous to mention right? =P

while i was prepared for delivery and given a simple tour around the ward, the hubs went to do the administration stuff for us.

a nurse, maria (one of the three nurses' name i remembered, because after her there were just too many. the other nurse was chidie and jane) came to checked me, she found that i was 0.5 cm dilated and having contractions!

i know 0.5 cm isn't a lot but compared to the past dr lee's check, this is good news! but it's weird that i don't feel any pain at all. my 乖寶寶 really know that it's time to come out!

just as the nurse was done hooking me up with machines, the hubs has also returned to the ward. maria then insert the pill into my cervix to soften it.. that pill worked almost immediately for me.. the contractions got closer and intense. by 3plus, i was already 3.5cm dilated! yay! but by then, the contraction was also becoming unbearable :( so i requested for the epidural..

but before i go on.. within that 3hrs, many things happened.. they have to monitor my contractions and baby's heartbeat for an hour.. after an hour, they insert some gel to make me clear my bowels.. not nice at all..

and i made the nurse roll her eyes.. lol.. 
nurse (after inserting the gel): okie u try to hold for five mins ok? 
me: how to hold? 
nurse: hold 5 mins.. 
me: how to hold? 
nurse (laughs): don't go before 5mins lah! 

sounds easy right.. the moment she went away, i can already feel my insides rumbling.. within two mins, the shit was already at my ass.. i could only hold for another minute and begged to be let to the toilet.. as if that was not bad enough.. another painful contractions came.. i really thought i was going to die while shitting... 

at that time, contractions were coming at like 2-3 mins. so i sat there planning my how-to-clean-myself-up-in-2.5-mins.. first i send the hubs to get me a clean towel and waited for a next contractions to come and go.. 2.5mins later, i have a cleaned washed ass... yay! so proud of myself.. 

after the pooping episode, i immediately signed the epidural consent form just in case it's too late.. i was told that the dr will take 30-60mins to reach and the epidural will take about 30mins to work.. that is like 1.5hrs of more pain! i was already wriggling in pain and crying like a banshee with each contractions and the machine was showing i was hitting off the chart most of the time.. i really have to idea how other mothers does it without the painkiller.. 

lucky for me, the anesthetist arrived within 30mins.. i think he was already on his way as there were other mothers requested for epidural.. 

the procedure was less scary but more painful than the amniocentesis test i had.. i think the pain mostly was from the contractions when curling up.. i think there was no other much pain as dr chan was quite good. at least that was what dr lee also says when he came later :) 

the total procedure took about 30mins and it was totally worth it.. though there were still dull pain at each contraction peak but it was bearable and after that i managed to sleep for like 2hrs :)

dr lee came at around 730 in the morning to check on me. he was quite happy with how things were progressing and increased my chances of a natural birth from 50% to 80%! he also broke my water bag to speed things up a little.

i was served with light breakfast, milo & biscuits. 

the wait continued with nurse jane, taking over chidie, who is like a mummy aunty - a bit fierce, a bit gossipy, a bit cute & funny...  dr lee came 2hrs later and i was still at 3.5cm. i was into my second epidural and getting a little dishearten.. :(

dr lee came slightly after 1pm and told us that i am around 6cm dilated but baby is still very high.. he waited for another contractions and "manually" dilated me till about 8cm. he also told us that if still nothing happen, we have to make some decisions.

an hour later, 3pm, he came back.

still nothing.

he told us that we have two choices now:
1. wait
2. have a caesarean

he left us to discuss. what i like about dr lee is he never forces his opinions on us. and whatever decisions we have, he is very supportive, as long as we dont put any life in danger. =)

after much discussing with the hubs, at 1516, i made the most difficult decision i had to make that day but i know its for the best for her... we opted to have a caesarean.

her heart rate baseline had increased till 160 which was much higher than the 120-130 when we were just admitted. i was also running a slight temperature. though she was not in distress yet where no negotiation was allow but dr lee was right - its better to deliver her when she is still "doing fine"..

furthermore at around 2 plus, more water came gushing out. it was so much that they have to change me out and the sheets. they also deployed a cleaner to mop up the swimming pool that formed below me.. the nurses commented that this is more than average and informed us that water is coming out due to her head is still too high allowing water to flow out. =(

before heading to the hospital, just in case, i told the hubs to convince me to have a caesarean if i am already dilated but the head is still too high. cus during the second last check up, dr lee had explained that she is probably too big to fit into my pelvic. so there is a high chance that even i am 10cm dilated, she still will not be able to be delivered naturally..

after the decision was made, everything was in a whirl. i was transferred to other bed and push out of the delivery ward and to the operating room. i only remember seeing lots of lights and was wondering can they push slower because everything is happening so fast! i am not ready!

when i entered the room, dr lee was already sitting in the corner in his scrubs and waiting for me. they transferred me to the operating table.

i am not sure if its the fever or epidural, i had a hard time comprehending what a nurse was talking. she was telling me details how the operation details and that was scaring the hell out of me.

dr lee was immensely patient with me. scared by the nurse, i was not sure if i was ready for the pain level. so we waited and waited for the epidural to work after trying and trying again. i was also given a choice of general general anaesthesia if i am still not comfortable with the pain level but the hubs would not be able to see the birth then. so i 咬緊牙根 and go ahead with the "pain level".

the truth - the operation was shorter than the "speech" given by the nurse and there was hardly any pain. and the tugging and pushing she was talking about was not that scary because i hardly feel anything at all!

at 1619, she was born. i will never forget her first cry. it was loud and resounding. the horror stories of miscarriage, baby died in womb at 3rd trimester, baby get strangled by umbilical cord, all got flush away with the tears that was coming out uncontrollably out of my eyes. i finally am relieved.


i am glad we opted for the caesarean. when she was born, she had a big bump popping out on her right side of her head (you can actually see that in the above photo). proof that she really have been pushing herself out real hard. poor little girl, must be so uncomfortable for her for the last 16 hours... =(

a cleaner version. =)


thank God for giving us such a perfect child. =)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Just a short post before heading to the hospital.. :)

We were "requested" to do live update from the hospital and this is what the hubs said..

Someone still in the mood to joke while I am scare to death... :(

Okie.. Wish me and baby all the best! Hopefully everything will go smoothly.. *fingers crossed..

Sunday, November 10, 2013

five hours is still very far away!

amanda left for perth for good today. 
already knew that this day would be here one day since the day she was born but still cant help but feel sad. =( 
she is one of the cousies i love and closed to.. 

we went to her favourite itacho sushi for lunch. =)

with dodo while waiting for her to arrive. =)

a forced photo with her 20 year old cat. =P

looks great right?

but this is my actual food. =(

let the rest of the photos do the talking... feeling a little too sad for words... 

take care love. miss you loads.
see you next year. =(

Saturday, November 09, 2013

five more days to go...

so i am still here... bleah... =(

maybe by saying that i will be repeating my days till minibean arrives, i have jinxed myself and thats why she is still inside..... -_-"

okie... admittedly i cut some slacks on my exercise regime..

on wednesday i ate macs breakfast in the morning and the only walk i had was to the mall with mummy...

on friday i totally just stayed at home till it was time to go to the dr in the evening..

but on thursday, though i went out only at 9am and the sun was shinning bright.... i walked for 30mins haphazardly around the neighbourhood, in shaded area only, and climbed 8 storeys of stairs..

so not too bad right.... but that seem like not to have any effect on minibean who is still comfortably kicking inside....


i am uber upset after the dr check up yesterday.. her head is not engaged yet.. sigh... this is really taking forever and she is not getting any smaller... i can see that the chances of a c-sec is getting higher with each passing hour........ =(

we asked dr lee what is possibly causing her head not to be engage. one of the reason he gave was probably her head is too big to fit into my pelvis area....... T.T

even dr lee could see i was pretty upset and he arranged for an earlier check up for me on next tuesday.. hopefully by then, there will be some good news... please?

Thursday, November 07, 2013

since she is not coming out any time soon, i used this time to practice some swaddling skill...

my attempt. 
nice and snug.. =)

the hubs' attempt.. Zzzzzzz

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

nine days to go...

down to the single digit already... sigh... still nothing... =(

so i went for morning walk as i said i would. 
i brisk walk my usual running track instead of walking to the market. 
walked 1.5 rounds so thats about slightly more than 2 km but it took me 40mins+? 
*shake head. usually it would only take about 10mins to run one round. 
but i am still proud that i took the effort to wake up at 730 to go for walks... =)

anyway, i guess will be repeating my day till minibean arrives..

Monday, November 04, 2013

ten days to go...

sunday passed quietly except that i probably heard the word "big" like ten thousand times.. 
guess that my belly is REALLY REALLY BIG! 

btw.. i am quite sensitive to that word now.. so if you please. thank you.. 


this sums up my first day of leave. 
i went for a morning walk as i promised the hubs.. =)
ate the bread daddy made. 
and what happen after lunch? 
i plop myself in front of the laptop and blogged and played game and fell asleep.. lol

so its been really quiet.. no contraction no nothing... =(
really praying hard for something.. any hint of labour before friday would be great...


before i forget.. some pregnancy perks i dont want to forget.. =)

  • good skin! something not to be taken granted of because it will still have outbreaks and stuff... though i have dry & peeling skin at the side of the nose, kind of allergy to my laneige sleeping mask but i think overall is quite easy to manage as long i keep myself hydrated and have enough sleep. =)
  • nails that seems unbreakable! 
i know i usually have good nails even pre-pregnancy.. but pregnancy nails are even better! they grow at an express rate and no chips at all! 

Saturday, November 02, 2013

twelve days to go...

we went for our weekly gynae's check yesterday and minibean is still not coming out soon!
but she is getting so big! 3.6kg.. my weigh remained at 71 though.. phew..

can someone tell me how to make her come out soon? i really want a natural birth but the chances gets slimmer as she gets bigger..

should i go for induced?


was reading a lot of birth stories lately and was reminded by one of the mummies that everything is in God's hands - it is in his perfect timing and plan to decide which day minibean would come out.

but this is really really getting so hard! =(

Friday, November 01, 2013

thirteen days to go..

today is the first day of november and last day of work (for the next 14 weeks at least)! FINALLY!!! =)
took a cab to work just to spoil myself minibean. hehehe..

dont mornings just looks great when you dont have to rush with the crazy crowd? 
no stress or going mental trying to "protect" the bump from getting hit/squashed?
just sit at the back and relax.. ahhh...
what a perfect friday.


my friday just got sweeter... =)

cupcake treat from the boss - his 2nd baby full month. =)