Monday, November 18, 2013

as the clock is fast approaching 11, i am anxious to know how our second night at home with rosanne would be like..

would she still be fast asleep like a burrito? 

or a little terror would appear like last night?

1040 - the little burrito has started stirring...

last night at 11pm, like clockwork, she opened her eyes and made sure we don't close ours till 6.. -_-"

1043 - there are weird noises coming from the little burrito...

every half hour she wants to be fed and after suckling for 5-10mins, she falls asleep and would not be aroused. then she wakes up 30-45 mins later wanting to be fed again... O.O

1048 - the little burrito is frowning..

i did tell the hubs before when she was still in my tummy that she gives daily live performance at 11pm everyday.. at 11, she will start to have a lot of movements - kicks, punches, swimming, etc.. so apparently, even out of my tummy, she is still giving live performance to earn her milk money..

1052 - the little burrito stirs again and her swaddle is becoming loose...

today in the day, we tried our best to keep her awake. but this little girl just wants to sleep. the more noise/sound we make, the sounder she sleeps. sounds familiar? =P

anyway, we tried our best already. hopefully she can sleep for longer periods tonight.

2300 - she is still sleeping!


2311 - she is awake!! #anothersleeplessnight

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