Saturday, November 09, 2013

five more days to go...

so i am still here... bleah... =(

maybe by saying that i will be repeating my days till minibean arrives, i have jinxed myself and thats why she is still inside..... -_-"

okie... admittedly i cut some slacks on my exercise regime..

on wednesday i ate macs breakfast in the morning and the only walk i had was to the mall with mummy...

on friday i totally just stayed at home till it was time to go to the dr in the evening..

but on thursday, though i went out only at 9am and the sun was shinning bright.... i walked for 30mins haphazardly around the neighbourhood, in shaded area only, and climbed 8 storeys of stairs..

so not too bad right.... but that seem like not to have any effect on minibean who is still comfortably kicking inside....


i am uber upset after the dr check up yesterday.. her head is not engaged yet.. sigh... this is really taking forever and she is not getting any smaller... i can see that the chances of a c-sec is getting higher with each passing hour........ =(

we asked dr lee what is possibly causing her head not to be engage. one of the reason he gave was probably her head is too big to fit into my pelvis area....... T.T

even dr lee could see i was pretty upset and he arranged for an earlier check up for me on next tuesday.. hopefully by then, there will be some good news... please?

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