Friday, November 22, 2013


the hubs was giving the little girl her 230am diaper change.. btw, this little girl ALWAYS does her first/last big business at around 2-3am.. o.O

since she was in a good mood, he slowly changed her. when he was putting on her diaper, we realised that her umbilical cord was missing!

we searched through her soiled diapers but we could not find it! 

after a frantic find and we resigned to the fact that its lost.

the hubs then continued to burp her and found something hard in her clothes.. lol.. 

the missing umbilical cord.

barely a week and i am already missing her newborn stage! especially her smell. how i wish that is some kind of scratch and smell sticker or something to preserve the sweet smell she had. she is growing up too fast for me!! :(

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