Tuesday, August 19, 2014

sometimes i feel that my daughter don't really love me.. she likes me a little i guess but definitely not love..

her grandpa (my dad) receives her most enthusiastic welcoming party from her everyday when he comes home from work.. she will yell for his attention to carry her while he quickly goes wash up before carrying her. for the next 15 mins or so, no one can tear her away from her dear grandpa. it's a drastic difference when i reached home.. she would just look at me and smile, oh stranger mom, you are here home...... :(

and when it's play time, she always prefers her dad and yiyis.. and her yiyis just need to look at her and she would laugh. yes LAUGH!

earlier before her dad went for shower, he placed her beside me.. she was sleeping soundly but when he came back, she promptly roll over to him and continued to sleep.. the hubs was of course so happy and proud that the little girl prefers him and was showing me the smirk.

so whispered into her, 偏心鬼.. and she crawl back to me..

now i can sleep soundly knowing that she probably loves me after all... =)

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