Thursday, December 26, 2013

just finished feeding the little girl.. watching her making funny faces and noises while sleeping. its harder to burp her at night because she always fall asleep right after she is done.. so i will let her sleep in a upright position against my chest for 20-30 mins (some times longer when I fall asleep with her till her next feed.. hehehe) and put her in bed..


so fast and she will be going to be seven weeks old already! still feel like the first month except her weight is not.. lol..

its really daunting being a first time mom.. many people will be sharing their experiences and making me feel that i should do what they say.. but i am reminded by a nice papa of 3, that..

... every kid is different, dont fret.

so nowadays i ask myself first if that is what i want and keep calm if it does not work.. especially about making rosanne sleep through the night. some tell me that i should keep her awake during the day, while some says i should reduce her feeding from 5pm onwards so that she will keep waking up thus tired and will sleep through the night later..

well.. these are not going to work for my baby.. there was once she would not sleep in the day and was awake from about 5 in the evening till about 10 at night.. and then, she had a meltdown.. she cried non-stop and even when she fell asleep, she only slept for like 10-30 minutes. this continued till like 1am. poor girl.

reduce feeding quantity will also not work because she is a tiam jiak gui, like me! she will cry if there is no more food and she is still not satisfied.

so i asked myself why do i want her sleep through the night.. for me or for her? she is getting more "stable" nowadays, having feeds only 1-2 feeds at night. she eats lesser at night also, so a night feed takes about 30 minutes only. and the best thing? she falls back to sleep on her own!

so is it for me then? truth to be told, i want her to wake up for her feed at night. it was tiring at the beginning. she wakes up every 1-2 hours at night wanting to be carried, nursed, feed, changed and all sorts of other reasons. that was really tiring. but ever since she starts to wakes up only once or twice at night, it was more bearable and i enjoyed watching her feed and falling asleep refusing to be burp.. and since i cant be a SAHM, soon i will get to spend very little time with her. =( so every moment spend with her is very precious.

i believe that when she is older, her body allow her to sleep through the night. =)
so at the mean time, i am just going to enjoy myself.


my confinement is officially over today! YAY!
yummy food here i come!

jelly: finally you can have normal people food.
me: what do you mean by normal food?
jelly: normal people dont eat food with a lot of ginger...


seriously i dont know what she saw.. 

the crying baby is back! hahaha.. 
merry xmas everyone!

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