Monday, November 09, 2009

was in town yesterday, and so is christmas!! yipee!! =)

i think this year's christmas decoration at city hall is nicer than orchard road's. =S at least they dont have brands printed on their decorations.




after dinner we walked around a little and had yogurt at! i am simply hooked and they are having promo too!! 2+1 toppings!! and i started to bitch about facebook again. erm, its more about the people on facebook. you know some people just dont get it so obviously there is alot of new things to bitch about since their lives are on facebook. mm suggested that i create a new account but i love my pet and restaurant and mafia and hotel and cooking and everything else to start from scratch again but she said that if i continued to bitch karma would be upon me. =( so i told mm that i would bitch here once and for all.

i am in a slightly better mood already so if you still cant stand my already-toned-down-bitching - this post is just not for you. and i am going to be vague, so if you think its is you i am talking about, maybe its not, but then again it might be just you i am bitching about.

#1. people OVER-flaunting their new relationships. meaning - posting & reposting & reposting & reposting & reposting & reposting photos again & again & again & again & again the same old photos! if i am irritating you with this sentence you are irritating me! its been months already and you have repost the photos more than 15 times? i am happy for you that you are happy and have already congratulate both of you so...? get off facebook and be happy with each other! if you are so happy about your new found happiness why dont i see you inviting me to your event to share your happiness 1st-hand? why just invite me to your picture event? or are you just afraid that some one would snatch away your other half, thats why you are labeling you and your other half as blah's, right?

but still, congratulations! again.

#2. people who abuse applications. meaning - you buy me and make me go on date/kiss other people who i dont even know! GROSSS. i am not old-fashioned and not boring and i know its just an online thing and i am not doing that to the other person physically. but given your bossy/ordering/controlling character, no way i am believing that you are that innocent. and dont tell me that the "date" you make me go on gets me money, cus there are whole lot of other actions. you cant make me wash your apples in real life so you make me "date" online. wow. get a life. if you are dying to go on a date with that person you keep making me go on "date" with, i suggest to you to leave your bf and just be with him! make sense right. cos your real life is not on facebook. oh, for you, maybe it is.

ahhhh.. now i have said it, i feel so so so much better. i can go slp now. nites ppl. =)

4 days till the dodo.bird is back.
12 days till princess is back.
25 days till exam results.
53 days till 2010.

joop chun.

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