Sunday, August 18, 2019


so it has been 10 days! so far everything has been going smoothly. still waking up every 2-4 hrs to feed but no complaints since he still have jaundice. sleeps well at night as in the day. poops and pees well and no comfort feeding! YAY!

#1. so he arrived at 38 weeks and was 10mins earlier than the scheduled time of 1130.

#2. cried so loud when he came out and wouldn't stop. but when the hubs spoke to him, he recognised his daddy's voice and stopped crying immediately! so the hubs may be telling the truth when he said he talks to my tummy every night when I am sleeping. :)

#3. the smallest of my three babies, weighing only 3.09kg when he was born. when we got discharged at 3 days old, he was only 2.76kg.
but the good news is, at his one week old check, he is back to almost 3kg. his barely 250g weight gain is starting to show as his fingers and arms are not that stick thin anymore and the skin on his knees are no longer just hanging.

#4. he has milia on his nose and I really think he has a nice sharp nose. :)

#5. he also has a mild case of erythema toxicum which is getting better but new spots will still appear every now and then.

#6. he has cute little turf of fuzz on the back of  each side of his shoulders. and just two days ago, I realised his whole back is covered will hair! lol.

#7. he loves sleeping on his stomach, curling up on our chest. #itsmyfavouritetoo

#8. he burps fairly easily compared to the girls - one burps once a blue moon and the other burps only after hours of patting her on the back and using various pattern.

#9. he smiles when he is contented with his milk or when he sleeps like #7. #nopeitsnotreflexes #andidontcarewhatyousay #itsaSMILE

#10. and he finally has a name - Matthias (文耀)!

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