Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ten ten.

yay! we made it through 20 days (almost three weeks)!

#11. he is about 52 cm and 3.8 kg now! fitting so much better into his clothes now. he is going to outgrow all my $3 kmart onesies very soon. :(

he has already outgrew this hand-me-down swaddle I liked alot cus he looked like a long bean in it. hahaha.
luckily I have a photo, not very nice one, of him in it for keepsakes. :)

#12. he is also growing some serious neck and arm rolls. his arms are no longer the same thickness as my plams. his fingers are also not that tiny anymore.

#14. dark black hair with a little thickness.

#15. I think he has double eyelids that has yet to come out fully. so far they only appear when he is sleepy.

#16. he is taking about 90-120ml per feed now and has this clustered feeding around 3pm-9pm which he drinks every 1-2hours. other than that he cries for milk every 2.5hours in the day and about 3.5 hours at night.

#17. he can burp very loud. sometimes when he is falling asleep and he is awaken by his own burps. then he will peep and give that who-so-noisy-I-am-sleeping look, roll his eyes and goes back to sleep. #ialsowanttorollmyeyes.

#18. he snores too! less frequently now. sometimes it's so loud he is awake by the sound. lol.

#19. about two days ago, he started to have colic.
暄 has very bad colic and will cry for hours which only her daddy can soothe her. hopefully this little boy's will not be that bad.

#20. his skin is really sensitive! at day 13, his face suddenly had a lots of red angry looking spots which still have not clear yet. and we are still trying to find out the cause.

check out his spots! even he dont look too pleased. lol.

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