Monday, June 09, 2014

the earth is not flat and the wall is hard

today, the little girl learnt that the wall is hard..

as usual, after her bed time milk, i would leave her on my bed to self snooze.. she did her normal night exploration of the bed surrounding to check for bugs and monsters underneath the bed. started from last night, she also did the sleep-war dance which consist of wriggling her butt up in the air, chantings and war cries. tried to take a video but it was too dark..

since now she is so good with crawling and flipping, tonight she found the wall.. she put her head against the wall but it did not budge. then she tried pushing it harder with the side of her head but still the wall did not give in. undaunted, she used her hands to feel the wall. she cautiously put her head against the hard surface and gave a good long push. still not moving. she did this quite a few times and it was just too funny to watch.. really.

she got excited that she discovered the un-pushable wall. she waved her hands and kick her legs. she lost her balance and the forehead slap into the wall. she looked at me and blink and gave out a painful cry. hahaha.

she double confirmed that the wall is hard.

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