Sunday, July 01, 2012

my first 80th birthday party.

 very happy to be able to attend a 80th birthday celebration. 
missed gramps' and it would be a shame if i missed this too.
i mean how many people around me are of that age.
would have to wait long long long for one.

 some dance presentation. 

 i must say that the food at ritz is nicer than i remembered it. =)

 a video montage! 

some very nice fish i would enjoy very much if my stomach was feeling better.  

a very pregnant-looking (T_______________T) me with the hubs. 

looking at him 80 and remember gramps at 80, what a huge difference.
i guess its all the exercise that is making him still so healthy and strong!
time to go running! run run run!

may he lived till infinity and beyond!

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