Monday, July 16, 2012

before bed "coffee"..

after being sickly for the past few months.. mummy made an appointment with her new-found-trusted chinese senseh for me.

well, according to the chinese senseh, i have a weak stomach - too much acid. apparently, its quite bad that it is causing me to have acid reflux. she also said that i should not take it lightly cus it would lead to heart palpitations and other heart related problems. =(

all these she said if just feeling my pulse. *WOW! would not have believed her but she what she said was not too far from the truth - i am already having heart palpitations when i have more than one cup of coffee.

so, other then the before bed "coffee" for the next week, i am to avoid coffee, tea & fried/spicy/sour food. no spicy food is already bad enough, NO COFFEE!? how is that going to work for me? how am i going to open my eyes in the morning and keep the brain churning throughout the day? O.o

anyway i have already plan to eat my comfort food, tau sa bread, or porridge for breakfast and lunch. maybe can loose some weight during this period. =( WAIT, i cant eat porridge with chilli right? fine, just tau sa bread then.. =(

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