Wednesday, February 03, 2016

the maturity of rosanne makes me so proud of her but at the same time i feel so sad..

last monday was the day we got discharged from the hospital. she came home after school and saw meimei in her spot on our bed. she has this lost look on her face. i quickly asked her if she would like to come join us and carry meimei. a smile broke on her face and she was visibly very excited.
over the next few days, the hubs and i were careful to make sure she does not feel left out.

the favourite question people like to ask this time round is, is she jealous of meimei. well the answer is no. :)
she feels meimei belongs to her solely and should be the only one carrying her.. hahaha..

and when asked if she like meimei, her replies so far has been a clear YES!
hopefully it stays this way for a long long time.. hehehe..

last week when she was lying in bed, she saw her daddy carrying meimei to her bed. she asked her daddy to place meimei with her instead and so the hubs did what she requested. after placing meimei beside her, she kept sayanging and kissing meimei. so much love this little girl. #heartineyes

we asked her if she could share her duffy with her. without hesitating, she placed duffy on top of meimei. she then quickly ran to meimei's bed and fetch her giraffe & elephant. the problem we had was to convince her to let meimei sleep in her own bed.. lol.. after much coaxing, she finally allowed meimei to return to her bed.. i later found rosanne asleep in our bed and asked the hubs what happened.
she wanted to sleep with meimei. :)

last night, rosanne was having a really bad cough which woke her up.
i went in with warm water to help her ease the cough. while i was coaxing her back to sleep, meimei started to cry. i had no choice but to tell her that i have to attend to her crying sister and would be back after meimei has fallen asleep. she nodded her head and gave me a tight hug.
then my heart broke - she doesnt usually give out hugs without being asked. T.T
i could see that she really wanted me to stay and accompany her but choose to say nothing.


dear rosanne, 

thank you for being such a lovely big sister.
i think you are better at it than me.
i am so proud of you and i love you.


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