Thursday, December 10, 2015

the much looked forward event of the year came and was gone in an hour during the weekend that just past.. lol..

kids dash 2015!!

this year stanchart's kids dash was held on the day before the main run - they have the all the attention to themselves!
they really look cute when they run la! wobbly wobbly one especially those younger ones.

i watched two rounds of run before rosanne's turn. each time when the horn goes off and the kids started to run with their parents, tears welled up in my eyes. just imagine these little people were just flipping, crawling neonates who can only lie there then became walking toddlers and now running kids!? can you imagine how proud their parents are? i am of my kid.

ok i am being emo here.

anyway, today i am being reminded by my little girl to enjoy the process towards a goal.
she was running, chasing, playing catch with her daddy and laughing.
she fell and she picked herself up.
she also stopped to smell the flowers watch other kids playing with balloons.
but the whole time, she was so happy and enjoying herself. maybe except the time when she fell and scrapped her knees. though she did not cry but till today, she will tell random people randomly that her left knee "pain". lol..
she was unfazed by the fact that she was the last few runner in the race.
AND she completed the race on her own.
ok maybe just that few steps that her daddy carried her but after that few steps she wanted to run on her own again..

she may be still young to understand competitiveness or the meaning of a race. but should not life be like that? at things that are suppose to be fun, we should just enjoy ourselves and not be too concern about winning or being better than others all the time. though she took longer than others to complete the race but at the end of the day she ran finish the 700m while enjoying herself. sounds like a win-win to me. :)

watching her run, i realised that in my fast-paced life, i am always busy with something physically and mentally - i forget to enjoy the process of things. thats probably why as i grew older i seem to enjoy lesser. :(

maybe this is what prof cheng was trying to get at during a talk few months back - mindfulness.
to be mindfully present at the moment - not just physically but mentally.

these few days, i have been consciously practising mindfulness while i am with the little girl. instead of replying to her while looking at my phone/tv/laptop, i put my things away and gave her all my attention. i observed her, watched her and caught her doing funny little things that made me laugh. i realised i am enjoying my time more with her now and was thinking less of 'how long more to her bedtime'.. lol..

ok.. enough of ranting for now.. lol..
ending off with my currently favourite photo of our little family. ;)

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