Tuesday, September 24, 2013

random rantings..

am sick again and resting at home now.. =(
this time round is gastric flu... not sure if my stomach is getting more sensitive or i keep eating bad things..

2 weeks ago, i was down with diarrhoea for 2 days after i think some unclean fruits.. the fruit uncle was busy with orders so the 收钱 uncle helped him. but he did not wear any gloves and my fruits was "dirty" with black dirt.. i washed them again before eating but too bad, i was still sick.. anyway i have black-list that shop already..

last week i ate with a selfish man who was VERY sick with flu but had no qualms about not using common utensils at dinner.. =( right after dinner, my nose started to sniffle and drip....

anyway, just to share... the immune system of pregnant women are lowered slightly in order to stop her body from rejecting the unborn baby. hence they are more venerable to colds, flu and other inflections. so be considerate to them okie?

i was once sick for 2 weeks with flu cus some woman sneeze at me from her seat opposite me.. was nodding my head on the train to work.. suddenly i was awake by a loud sneeze. it was the woman sitting opposite me and she have nodded back to sleep.

why was the sneeze so loud? maybe because the train was quite empty?

again, i heard a loud sneeze and looked up quickly to see if my guess is correct but i was too slow.. finally at the third time i caught her sneezing without covering her mouth and her saliva landed on my legs! YUCKS! YOU ARE SO DISGUSTING! i glared at her and she gave me the sheepish look and "fall back to sleep".. rest of the train ride i never took my eyes off her and she quickly hurried off the next stop... where did such people come from!?


minibean is approaching the 33weeks soon and that means 7weeks more till i can have her in my arms. =)

i am still scare but i think i have reached a point that i want to get over and be done with the birthing part. backaches, the dull ache at the top of the belly and braxton hicks are not getting any better. 

the stubborn backaches are here to stay 24/7... the dull ache appears whenever i lean forward, sleep on side and even when i am sitting straight up. cant remember the last time i had a good sleep. everyday i wake up to aching back and cramp legs. there was once the backache was so bad that i cant keep my back straight the whole day. there were also times that cramps were so painful i was stuck for like 10mins before i could get myself out of bed. not fun at all..but i have learnt the trick of recovering from cramps is to tilt my toes towards myself instead of away. the stiffness goes away faster. =)

braxton hicks are also pain in the ass. it just would not leave me alone! if i sit for too long, it appears. if i get up from my seat and start walking, it appears. if i walk too fast, it appears. if i insist to continue to walk, it starts to hurt. when i do nothing, it also appears.

not sure if its the weight i gained or the weight of minibean that is making me feeling heavy and breathless easily.. nowadays chores like hanging the laundry and ironing just takes my breathe away... hang a few pieces or iron one piece of clothing i will also get out of breath and have to rest for like 5mins.. and when the hubs sometimes take the "outside" of the bed, i will get breathless rolling myself to the sides of the bed. have to probably sit there like a min before i could catch up with my breath.

the pregnancy hormones are also getting quite out of hand.. getting irritated very easily and most of the time of nothing.. i know some people are just concern and i know i that i am now fat, nose has grown bigger, complexion is not that good nowadays with pimples popping out, water retention at my ankles, etc.. but is it possible for people not to come to me and point out the obvious without any real solutions or concern? er..  i dun mean that they should lie to me either.. just that changes in my body is not open to small talk.. thanks. tell me about your wonderful weekends, latest shopping hauls, etc. anything that could take my mind off the ugly side of pregnancy, i would be so glad to hear about them. =)

i really wonder how other mothers out there have more than one kid. i already cant manage this pregnancy, mentally & physically, without any little crazy monster running around. 


went to the doctor's last friday and horrors of horrors, minibean has "turned upwards"! she was already in the downwards position the last 2 times when we had our checks. the hubs says must be because i requested her to remove her feet from her face to take photo... =(

i am sorry minibean, you can put your feet at your face now if you like.. but please turn down soon okie?

anyway, dr says she has till 36 weeks to turn down if not he would have to schedule a c-section for me... =(

other than that, minibean is growing well. =) this time round i only gained a kg and she is now about 2.3kg, about 400g gain. =)



at chloe and chin's wedding last saturday. 



i miss my heels and coffee very bad i want them back now!
er.. heels not so much already since i got to wear them for 4 hours for chin's wedding. =)
dont worry, most of the time i just sit on the chair and looked pretty.

but i need coffee please? getting very tired easily and i really need a good coffee to like "zapp" me awake.. lol  =(


new level of pregnancy brain attained. 

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