Monday, November 20, 2006

Lesson Learnt #1

Scenario : You were meeting your friend at the bus-stop outside her house to go shopping together. However because of the steep mountains, summer sun and extreme heat, your walking speed was greatly decreased which caused you to miss the bus. On top of that, the next bus would come in an hour's time. What would you do?

A : take off all your clothes and *censor censor censor* (suggested by mr goldfish)

B : say bye to your friend and walk home. swore to yourself to boycott bus stops on sundays and that the next time you climb the mountain and walk in the extreme heat again would be on days...

like this..

or maybe like this..

C : walk back to your friend's house and let the housemates laugh at you for the next hour, for missing the bus which they had already predicted hours ago.. and give your shopping trip a miss because shops are going to close soon anyway..

Lesson learnt : do not miss the bus on sundays.. argh..

* stop it. before its too late..

joop chun..

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