Wednesday, November 21, 2018

暄  found an old toy wand last night in their toy box. she waved it around turned me into a penguin.

pretending to be angry, fine, later who make milk for you? 

the penguin. 

**le hubs laughing his head off at the side.....**

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

dear rosanne,

today your first ever pet, a goldfish, died.
we only had it for 2 days and havent even got to name it yet.
you must be so sad.

i wasnt at home at the moment it happened.
your little aunt told me that you thought that your fish has learnt a new trick of swimming upside down while sleeping. but after dinner she broke to you the news that it was actually dead and you cried.

you then said, i take the fish out and sayang it then put somewhere else. and thats exactly what you did.

you "went to the tank, scooped it out without any fear and hesitation. then proceeded to sayang it."

both you and abby got dressed and went down with auntie jels and uncle junyang to find a place to "bury" your poor fish.

you werent happy with the first burial site - a still pond.
so uncle junyang scooped the fish back up and you chose another pond with a little waterfall which you believed was a better spot. T________________T

i am so proud of the compassion you have shown your pet, even though you had it only for two days. being sympathetic is not something that can be taught. definition may help you to identify the feeling you have but it cannot make you kind if you dont have it inside you already.

please continue to be compassionate, kind and thoughtful which i think are characters more important than being academic which you will be nothing without good character.

Character is much easier kept than recovered. 

-Thomas Paine
