surprise surprise!
the little girl is so much settled in class last saturday. though she is still distracted but lesser i feel.
there are still activities that she was not too interested in. like the memory game where the teacher would flash a picture and later give them the pitcure with missing items and they would have to put back the items like the picture she previously flashed. the little girl did looked at it for awhile but have no interest in putting the items back.. lol...
the flash cards wasnt much of her interest either. teacher jas would go through few sets of flash cards. half way through, she would be bored and want to climb out of her chair and sit with me.. but when the how old are you song was played, she promptly climb back into her chair and clap.. lol.. at the repeat, she even tried to pose "two" like her teacher.. so cute. i guess she found something she like.
one of the activity today was to buy toys. she grasp the idea pretty quickly i would say.. i just need to tell her once and she did the second time on her own. but she did not like the third toy - after taking it off, she put it into the coin box to 'discard' it and happily took back the two previous toys from me and waved them around..
i think she did pretty well for a mice and box activity. she have to put the matching number card into the cheese box. the boxes are in random order and so are the cards. yet she would pick the card and put it into the correct box! WAH!! SO SMART MY LITTLE COOKIE.. but i seriously think she is tyco one. she dont even know numbers yet.. ha ha ha.
too bad the little girl would not be able to attend class the next week. am pleased to see how she had improved, though its just a little.