Tuesday, April 30, 2013

so what have i been up to lately....

... breeding fat dragons jumping on a sun...

actually doing nothing much except being busy and more busy.. =(

Monday, April 22, 2013

15 floors! lalalalala... 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

and so to the beach we went!

saturday was bright and sunny - just that kind of day good for beach =)

hello tioman! 

your daddy dont really love this place that much that he comes here as frequent as twice a month during the diving season. 
its just a "quick fix" for his diving addiction.

malang rock.
one of the frequent sites your daddy goes. 
its usually the most choppy site but it was quite calm that day. 
your daddy says its because its the beginning of the season. 
too bad, otherwise we will be rocking the boat. 

this is daddy doing what he loves most, but dont worry he loves you the most now.. =)
dont you think he looks so gorgeous? *googly eyes.

bye daddy! 

so what did mummy do?
i sat in the sun and baked myself. =) 
enjoying the scenery and talking to my belly. 

hope you will love diving as much as daddy because i have promised him that he can have you with him on his dive trip. =)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

minibean, are you still alive....?

i am sorry that i fell asleep on my right and was too tired to flip throughout the night. and i woke up with cramps on my left side. i hope that you are all right. =(

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

respect yourself and others at work.

its a boring title, yes i know.
as boring as it is, it is also a fundamental that everyone should know but sometimes you will still come across such people... sigh....

in school, i remembered learning before that we should treat our colleagues like client. i couldnt comprehend that at then. i was horrified too. you mean i cant be friends with my colleagues? later when i started work, i realised, work is work. at work, i should always treat my colleagues professionally. for bosses, i learnt the hard way, all the time - even after you had three jugs of beers.

when bonds are formed, we hang out together, go on trips together and times as such we are friends. but back to office, its work again. treating colleagues like clients means basically treating to your colleagues like how your treat your clients. you dont intercom your client to wash apples for you or make them do your work, etc....

recently i came across a weird bird.

into the job for a few weeks, was already telling other senior colleagues that they are wrong. after a month, the WB was more knowledgeable than the managers working for years... o.O

the WB started to grow wings at around two month. thinks that its flying while all the other colleagues (commoners) like me crawls and walks on the dirty ground. so full of itself, that complaints from clients were received with pride. prolly that just shows that its just a simple WB.

when it comes to work, its really lived up to its name of being a bird. not only its a scatter-brain with memory span of 5-secs, it picks parts of jobs like how a bird eat with its beak - picking only things that it like, which is only a few. when coaxed to eat a bit more, it would complain about indigestion the whole day.. =X

loves to boss everyone around. even the littlest detail of your life, whether is it work related or not, the WB must have a say and no one but managers can ask it to do its work, not even the project leader, which was troublesome.

loves to chirp loudly about flaws/mistakes of others in front of managers and all. but luckily for commoners with brains, we seldom get into trouble while the WB who does these act without verifying the fact, like i already said its a simple WB, had just fixed on a neon signboard above its head which probably says, i am a simple WB.

the WB will not eat with the other commoners. thinking their food is too unhealthy. weirdly, it looks pudgier than the rest of the commoners who exercises frequently and have six-packs and all.

sadly, no one likes to help the WB lately. answers that are not to its liking are shamed loudly. embarrassing everyone else much. so everyone has a standard answer to its questions nowadays - er... why not you go ask the manager. funnily, it would reply, the manager would know meh? oh well, go ask the gods if you want..

its reputation has got so bad that even colleagues from other department has branded it the "YAYA-PAPAYA" :(  but it will never know about the unhappiness it caused around it. cus when it looks at its reflection, the neon sign say, i am the greatest in the world - the world did not end today because i am alive...
just in case you havent heard about it yet, your daddy is bringing us to the beach this weekend!

are you excited?

i will be more excited if i could get you a cute bathing suit / trunks =P
oh well, i guess i just have to be more patient.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Can't decide between a 大包 or 豆沙包 so I got both! =P

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Kings of Kings, Majesty - Jarrod Cooper

Kings of Kings, Majesty
God of heaven, living in me
Gentle Saviour, closest friend
Strong Deliverer, Beginning and End
All within me falls at Your throne

Your Majesty, I can but bow
I lay my all, before You now
In royal robes, I don't deserve
I live to serve Your Majesty

Earth and heaven worship You
Love Eternal, Faithful and True
Who bought the nations, ransomed souls
Brought this sinner near to Your throne
All within me cries out in praise

Sunday, April 07, 2013

though it wasnt for me, but it stuck with me for quite awhile. 
something which i think i need right now... :)

Saturday, April 06, 2013

so there is only one of you inside huh! phew!

its okie if there are still two of you inside okie.. i will still love you both as much...

but being a first time mom... can you imagine the frequency of errors i am going to make? twice? =P


it was really lovely (actually more than lovely but i cant find a word to exactly describe how i feel) and relieved to see and hear your heartbeat. your heart flickers on the screen like firefly.

it really feels amazing that i have a little life inside me! but i wont think too much about it cus it will start to feel like what your dad says - i have a monster inside me...

he is just joking, he is just as excited about you as me.. he was so moody and sulky this morning that he have to wake up before 9 on a weekend but after seeing you, he cant stop smiling and talking. -_-"

hello there! 
quite small, just about 16mm only.. 

Thursday, April 04, 2013

people have started to ask if i want you to be a boy or a girl.

i dont care if you are a boy or a girl.

but either, you have to stick it through your life.

its not the people against you.

its you against God.

He have His reasons but He makes no mistakes.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

jie jie says, stay happy and positive!

people around have recently keep reminding me to be happy and smile more.. even the stranger on the bus was asking me smile after catching me frowning in deep thoughts. =S

thanks everyone. i will try to smile more and be positive!